April 24-25: Intro to Glass Blowing full weekend class
May 8: 3 Hour Glass Blowing workshop
May 15: 3 Hour Fusing workshop
May 27-28: Intro to Glass Blowing full weekend class
Also the Next open house is Saturday June 5th. 4:30 - 7:30, check us out along with the rest of STAR, NC. As the open house follows events earlier in the day for STAR Heritage Days.
Other news I will not be here for July... I'm going to PILCHUCK ! ! !
I will a TA during the third session this summer for James Mongrain aka "Jimmy the Wig" here is the artist / class info from the Pilchuck catalog.
Renowned goblet maker and glassblower JAMES
Mongrain was introduced to glass at Minnesota
State University Moorhead and later studied at Mas-
sachusetts college of Art and Design and the Appa-
lachian center for craft. Since 1993, he has worked on
many projects with Dale chihuly, beginning with chihuly
Over Venice. In 1997, he opened Mongrain Glass Studio,
located in Mukilteo, Washington. Mongrain has worked
with such artists as Jim Dine, Jeff Koons, Kiki Smith, and
Robert Wilson. He exhibits nationally, and his work has
received much recognition, including a nomination for
the louis comfort tiffany Award.

Goblets: Form and Context All artists begin their visual education
by imitating in order to learn. American glassmaking aficionados look at historical
forms and copy them, so that the body learns systems of making much as the eye
learns to see and the mind learns to recognize. the venerable Venetian tradition
of delicate form and flourish in goblet making provides an excellent foundation for
accomplished glassmakers who wish to advance their design and making abilities.
While immersed in questions of function, design, and technical efficiency, students
will gain thorough and intensive experience with methods of hot construction, bit
work, teamwork, and the garage. Discussion, visiting artists, demonstrations, and
exercises will help each student define a personal voice within a long-standing craft
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